Maria’s Motivation Story


Maria evolved a great deal of passion for CrossFit and physical fitness from the moment she stepped in the physiotherapy clinic. She came to see Andra due to a severe strain of her Vastus Lateralis muscle while performing athletic activities leaving her with a significant thigh injury.

Her injury was resistant to healing and it stopped her from performing any of the much-loved activities such as high intensity training with CrossFit. In fact, even climbing stairs, going downhill were producing a significant amount of discomfort.

Maria became driven to embark in her journey towards recovery and embraced the detailed exercise program that was tailored for her by Andra, her physiotherapist.

“Andra is very professional and continues to educate herself with scientific evidence and specialized therapeutic methods, she has a knowledgeable approach to issues which I find very reassuring.” – Maria commented

At Eglinton Physiotherapy, Andra the lead physiotherapist performed a supportive evidenced based plan of care that included Connective Tissue work, Muscle Activation Techniques, Neuromotor Control techniques in addition to Medical Acupuncture, Shockwave and Radio Pulsed Frequency stimulation, TAPING and Instrumental muscle releases. The physiotherapy program expanded to high intensity level movements as Maria improved.

“I feel very fortunate to have been referred to Andra Schonfeld as a physiotherapist. I have seen significant benefits of my treatment with improved mobility, freedom from pain and return to the athletic activities that I love to do.”

Maria further goes on to mentioning that she would love to get back into training slowly with the knowledge Andra has provided about her movements and body mechanics.


Yoana’s Story


Tanya’s Triumph