Pelvic Physiotherapy
We provide Specialized Pelvic Physiotherapy Rehabilitation (level I-IV & GI) based on current evidence and years of clinical experience. We use equipment such as NeuroTrac Pelvitone Pelvic Stimulator (NMS) and NeuroTrac Biofeedback, EMG biofeedback training aid and/or diagnosticc tools.
We have the expertise to assess and treat the following conditions:
Pre and Post Natal Pelvic Health (i.e. Prevention and detection of a weak, inefficient pelvic floor and Perineum readiness for delivery, Episiotomy and Perineal Tears)
Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
Overactive Pelvic Floor Muscle
Overactive Bladder Syndrome
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Female Athlete
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Pain, Dyspareunia
Sacroiliac joint and Symphysis Pubis Dysfunctions
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Our specialized physiotherapist will assess and treat:
Pelvic floor global tone, power, endurance of pelvic muscles, trigger point presence, connective tissue restrictions within client comfort
Breathing pattern at rest and during dynamic position changing
Postural dysfunctions and interconnections with Pelvic Floor, Thoracolumbar fascia and Feet
Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar spine, Sacroiliac and Hip joints
Thoracic rib(s) and Pelvic dysfunction
Abdominal soft tissue, including Diastasis Recti and abdominal wall hernias
Internal pelvic and perineal connective and soft tissues, including myofascial trigger points
Pelvic floor muscle motor control and strength