Post-Op Back Exercises
This is series of exercises focuses on examples of post-operative exercises to strengthen the back:
Hamstring Static Stretch
Bridging with the Band Above the Knees
Side Walking with a Band Around the Feet
Functional Squatting
One Leg, Opposite Arm and Leg, One Arm Elevation
Core and Back Exercises
A set of six exercises to help strengthen your back and core.
Modified Birddog: Spine/Back Stabilization Program - Same Side Arm and Leg “Drives”
Bracing - Core Activation with Loop Band
Core External Obliques with ball
Core: Side Plank with Roll - Core: Log Roll
Core: Knee Drops
Gluteal, Spine Extensors and Hamstring Muscle Group Strengthening
Shoulder Exercises
This is series is for shoulder exercises that can be used when experiencing issues such as frozen shoulder & rotator cuff injuries, and shoulder impingement:
Standing Shoulder Elevation with Dowel
Shoulder Extension with Dowel
Shoulder Scapular Mobility and Control with Dowel
Prevention of Hip Injuries - Exercises
Consider performing diaphragmatic breathing when sitting down, standing or supine throughout the day. Five breathing cycles, five times per day will deliver the desired effect.
Lumbopelvic Hip Complex with Core Recruitment
These exercises engage the glutes with good back and core control while also helping with hip mobility. Perform these exercises three times a week with at least 15 repetitions. They are good to do before you go running or walking in order to recruit the muscles used during walking/running.
Diaphragmatic Breathing & Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Motility Target Training
Consider performing diaphragmatic breathing when sitting down, standing or supine throughout the day. Five breathing cycles, five times per day will deliver the desired effect.
Trunk Extensors / Rotators and Shoulder depressors recruitment with Neuromotor control pathways buildup... Shoulder/Spine exercise!
High Plank Advanced with Ball
CORE recruitment with shoulder stabilization!
Shoulder Functionality
Using light or medium band to help with shoulder functionality!
Remember to engage your CORE and keep your heel lifted as the video shows.
Shoulder Functionality Continued
Using a looped band to help with shoulder functionality!
Performed with ONE shoulder at a time makes this movement easier. You can perform it holding the band in front if NOT enough rotation on your shoulders.
Runner’s Routine
Injury Prevention!
Gastrocnemius muscle release, with roller! Try this 30 times on each side.
Running Injury Prevention - Tensor Fascia Lata -TFL
Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) muscle release! for INJURY PREVENTION!
Perform 30 times!
Running Injury Prevention - Tibialis Posterior Release
Help with your Tibialis Posterior muscle release for improved running performance!
Try this move 30 times!
Reverse Lunge Strength & Proprioception
Hip work! Andra walks you through a reverse lunge.
Try 2 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg to start!
Hip, Pelvis & Thigh Work!
Andra shows you one of her favourite exercises that targets your hips, pelvis and thighs!
Upper Back Important Pillars:
- The “T” targeting Major and Minor Rhomboids muscle groups recruitment with Professional TRX
- The “Y” targeting Middle and Lower Trapezius muscle groups
Lower Chain Recruitment:
- Low unilateral squat full range with assistance from Professional TRX
The Core
Strengthening the Core by engaging the supportive vectors that make the CORE a success
The Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip complex is recruited here with initiation from the “Inside Out”
The Transversus Abdominis (TrA ) followed by the confident Obliques vectors and lateral hip stabilizers.
Use the Props for this one!
It will get you “Back Into the Game!”
Advanced Balance
Andra displaying an advanced balance routine. Try it yourself at home!
For beginners, try the same routine on the floor!