Overview of Hamstring Strains
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Hamstring strains are categorized as mild, medium or severe degrees of severity
With a Mild - Grade 1 strain: A few fibers of the muscles are damaged. The Client is able to walk. There is a small degree of swelling and the knee has functional mobility.
A Moderate - Grade 2 strain: There is increased amount of pain and swelling that is reproduced with movement at the knee joint and about half of muscle fibers are torn.
A Grade 3 strain is severe: There is a significant amount of swelling, pain from an increased number of fibers being torn. There is significant weakness and the hamstring muscle group cannot perform work. Client will likely use initially crutches for ambulation.
Our client has a severe Grade 3 hamstring group strain. This is a very painful injury that limits one’s ability to walk or even put on shoes.
Immediate Acute Care RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) followed with local treatment
The DUOLITH SD1 T-TOP >>ultra<< Focus Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is state-of-the-art medical technology that is non-invasive, promotes tissue healing and repair using a focused shockwave which is generated electromagnetically at a targeted pinpoint tissues site
We applied LOW energy level << Focus Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) administered at the site of the hamstring group injury to speed up the recovery, improved client pain & swelling and our client was able to return to walking within one week post a severe Grade 3 Hamstring Strain
We are very proud of the fast recovery and improved outcomes of our clients!