Distal Radius Fracture
What happens after a wrist fracture? There is treatment beyond the cast! In this series, we focus on the post-removal of cast treatments using state of the art Focus Shockwave, Stimpod NMS 460, Acupuncture and Manual Hands-On Therapy
Before & After of the injured area; the Before photo shows swelling while in the cast; the After photo shows post-removal of cast
Treatment For Wrist, Hand & Digits
Focus Shock Wave: helps with oedema tissue regeneration and acceleration bone healing
Stimpod 460 NMS: enhances muscular activity by addressing corresponding peripheral nerves
Medical Acupuncture: for wrist, hand & digits with local low level stimulation targeting all soft tissue and small joints. Improves edema and joint mobility
Low Level Medical Grade 3 laser also applied to the wrist, hand & digits
Exercises at Home
Continuing exercises in the comfort of your home recommended by your physiotherapist promotes healing outside of your sessions! Our client shows us four exercises: Tendon Glides, Hand Exercises, Active Mobility Fingers & Wrist Mobility using a soft ball, all of which can be done at home or at the office
Modality Treatments
Treatment Post Distal Radius Fracture using the Stimpod 460 NMS